Dynamic Playlists Entity (2017/01)

Dynamic Playlists Entity (2017/01)

All dynamic playlist entities are structured as follows:


Id intA unique identifier for the dynamic playlist instance. This value is generated by the server when the dynamic playlist is created.

Name string The name of the dynamic playlist

PhysicalPath stringThe location of the dynamic playlist feed XML file in the server directory

FileSize longThe size of the dynamic playlist feed XML file (in bytes)

FileHash stringThe hash algorithm and the value that results from performing the hash algorithm on the file. The string is formatted as "{algorithm}:{value}" (e.g. "SHA1:6DB465879088280AAC52DC22B07ED0AD493A99D4")

CreationDate DateTimeA UTC timestamp indicating when the dynamic playlist was created on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information on this data type.

LastModifiedDate DateTimeA UTC timestamp indicating when the dynamic playlist was last modified on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information on this data type.

SupportsAudio bool:  A flag indicating whether the dynamic playlist supports audio files

SupportsVideo boolA flag indicating whether the dynamic playlist supports video files

SupportsImages boolA flag indicating whether the dynamic playlist supports image files

Content DynamicPlaylistContent[]An array of content object instances representing content files in the dynamic playlist: 

ContentId int: The unique identifier for the dynamic playlist content

FileName string: The name assigned to the dynamic playlist content

DisplayDuration TimeSpanThe amount of time the content will be displayed before transitioning to the next entry. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

ValidityStartDate DateTime?The validity start date for the entry (that is, the point at which it will start being included in the dynamic playlist). A null value specifies that the item is valid immediately when added to the dynamic playlist. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

ValidityEndDate DateTime?The validity end date for the associated entry (that is, the point at which it will no longer be included in the dynamic playlist).  A null value specifies that the item will be valid until it is removed from the dynamic playlist manually by a user. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

Presentations PresentationInfo[]An array of Presentation Info entities for each presentation associated with the dynamic playlist instance

Permissions List<Permission>A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the dynamic playlist instance

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