Interpret Player Logs
Player logs are located in the /Logs folder on the player storage. They can also be viewed on the BSN WebUI in the Current Usage tab. There are four types of log entry:
Playback log
Event log
State log
Diagnostic log
Each entry type can be enabled or disabled during the player setup process. Variable logs can also be enabled during the setup process, but these logs are uploaded only to BSN, where they are parsed to generate player reports. Log files begin with following set of headers:
Name | Description | Example |
BrightSignLogVersion | Logs implementation version. Possible values: 1, 2, 3. | 3 |
SerialNumber | BrightSign Unit Serial Number | A0F02G000348 |
Account | BrightSign Network Account Name | stas |
Group | Group name of the player | Default |
Timezone | Client (unit) timezone as set in registry | EET |
LogCreationTime | Time when log file created | 2021/07/25 15:59:24.350 |
IPAddress | IP address of unit | |
FWVersion | Firmware version that the player runs on | 3.10.52 |
ScriptVersion | Autorun version | 6.7.14 |
CustomScriptVersion | Custom Autorun Version | 6.7.0 |
Model | Model description | HD1010 |
Playback Log
The playback log records start and end times, zone names, media types, and file names. This type is noted in the logs as L=p. The letter keys correspond to the following information:
L: The log type
Z: The name of the zone in which the playback occurred
S: A timestamp indicating when playback began
E: A timestamp indicating when playback ended
I: The type of content being played (e.g. “image”, “video”, “audio”)
N: The name of the content file being played
L=p Z=Video or Images S=2013/12/11 00:00:00.656 E=2013/12/11 00:00:29.172 I=video N=KO_Caps_v1_30p_Subway_28s.mp4
Event Log
The event log records timestamps, state names, zone names, event types, and event data. This type is noted in the logs as L=e. The letter keys correspond to the following information:
L: The log type
S: The name of the state affected by the event
T: A timestamp indicating when the event occurred
E: The event type
D: The event data
A: A flag indicating whether the event was acted on (“1”) or not acted on (“0”)
Event Types:
L=e S=earth_1280x720.mov09bce968-4c77-4775-b314-b2388cd77abb T=2013/10/31 11:48:55.086 E=mediaEnd D= A=1
State Log
The State log records current and last state names, timestamps, and media types. This type is noted in the logs as L=s. The letter keys correspond to the following information:
L: The log type
S: The name of the state
T: A timestamp indicating when the state was entered
Y: The state type (e.g. “image”, “live text”, “Dynamic Playlist”)
LS: The name of the previous state
LE: The type of event that transitioned to this state
LD: The event data of the event that transitioned to this state.
State Types:
L=s S=earth_1280x720.mov09bce968-4c77-4775-b314-b2388cd77abb T=2013/10/31 11:53:55.951 Y=video LS=Panorama.jpgcee716ef-6d47-4f85-9496-2fbe385b1667 LE=mediaEnd LD=
Diagnostic Log
The diagnostic log records system information and events and timestamps. This type is noted in the logs as L=d. The letter keys correspond to the following information:
L: The log type
T: A timestamp indicating when the diagnostic log was recorded
I: A unique identification number for the system event (see below)
D: Data returned by the diagnostic, which may include current firmware/autorun version numbers or information related to the system event (see below)
L=d T=2013/10/31 11:48:53.491 I=1023 D=4.7.106 6.7.37 6.7.0
These are the diagnostic codes that can be returned in a log entry:
Code | Name | Description |
1000 | EVENT_STARTUP | The autorun script has started. |
1001 | EVENT_SYNCSPEC_RECIEVED | A new sync spec has been downloaded. The parameter "yes", indicates that the downloaded and current sync spec are different. If "no", the downloaded and current sync spec are identical. The log may also include: "forced reboot" (the sync spec includes a forced reboot command), "forced log upload" (the sync spec includes a log upload command), or "bad sync" (the downloaded sync-spec file is corrupt). |
1002 | EVENT_DOWNLOAD_START | The autorun script has initiated a series of downloads to retrieve files listed in the sync spec. |
1003 | EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_START | Currently unused |
1004 | EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE | A single file download in the series initiated by the sync spec has been completed. |
1005 | EVENT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE | The series of downloads initiated by the sync spec has been completed. |
1006 | EVENT_READ_SYNSPEC_FAILURE | The autorun script was unable to read the sync spec file. See the entry for roSyncSpec.ReadFromFile() for more information. |
1007 | EVENT_RETRIEVE_SYNCSPEC_FAILURE | The autorun script has requested the sync spec from the content server and it has returned a status code other than 200 or 404. |
1008 | EVENT_NO_SYNCSPEC_FAILURE | The autorun script has requested the sync spec from the content server and it has returned status code 404. |
1009 | EVENT_SYNCSPEC_DOWNLOAD_IMMEDIATE_FAILURE | The series of downloads initiated by the sync spec failed immediately. This event includes the failure reason. See roAssetFetcher.ASyncDownload() for more details. |
1010 | EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE | There has been an individual file-download failure during the series of downloads initiated by the sync spec. |
1011 | EVENT_SYNCSPEC_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE | The series of downloads initiated by the sync spec has been completed with at least one file-download failure (event 1010). |
1012 | EVENT_ASSETPOOL_PROTECT_FAILURE | The sync spec update process cannot be completed because one or more preexisting assets are protected. See roAssetPool.ProtectAssets() for more details. |
1013 | EVENT_LOGFILE_UPLOAD_FAILURE | The autorun script has attempted to upload a log file to the log-handler server, and it has returned a status code other than 200. |
1014 | EVENT_SYNC_ALREADY_ACTIVE | A scheduled update timer has triggered while the sync spec update process is already in progress. |
1015 | EVENT_CHECK_CONTENT | The autorun script has requested a new sync spec. This event includes the URL for the file request. |
1016 | EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS | The autorun script is currently downloading a file. This event triggers every 15 seconds during the download process and returns the completion percentage. |
1017 | EVENT_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD | Currently unused |
1018 | EVENT_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD | Currently unused |
1021 | EVENT_USER_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | The autorun script (or a script plugin) has referenced a user variable that is not part of the database. |
1022 | EVENT_MEDIA_COUNTER_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | The autorun script (or a script plugin) has referenced a media counter that is not part of the database. |
1023 | EVENT_START_PRESENTATION | A new presentation has started. |
1024 | EVENT_GPS_LOCATION | An event has been received from a GPS device. This event returns the latitude and longitude values reported by the GPS. |
1025 | EVENT_GPS_NOT_LOCKED | The autorun script has been unable to process the data returned from the GPS device. |
1026 | EVENT_RETRIEVE_USER_VARIABLE_FEED | Currently unused |
1027 | EVENT_RETRIEVE_LIVE_TEXT_FEED | The autorun script has begun retrieving a live data feed XML file. |
1029 | EVENT_LIVE_TEXT_FEED_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE | The download of a live data feed file has failed. |
1030 | EVENT_UNASSIGNED_LOCAL_PLAYLIST | The autorun has skipped a Local Playlist state because it is empty. This can occur if a player is assigned the Use default playlist option and the default playlist of the Local Playlist is set to None. |
1031 | EVENT_UNASSIGNED_LOCAL_PLAYLIST_NO_NAVIGATION | The autorun has attempted to skip an empty Local Playlist state (event 1030), but there is no Media End event attached to it. |
1032 | EVENT_REALIZE_FAILURE | The autorun has completed a sync spec update process that includes a firmware update or script file, but fails to copy that file to the root folder of the storage device. |
1033 | EVENT_LIVE_TEXT_PLUGIN_FAILURE | A data-feed plugin script has failed. |
1034 | EVENT_INVALID_DATE_TIME_SPEC | A Time/Clock event has failed because the date information is not valid. |
1035 | EVENT_HTML5_LOAD_ERROR | An HTML page has failed to load. |
1036 | EVENT_USB_UPDATE_SECURITY_ERROR | The USB update process has failed because the USB Content Update Password on the storage device was invalid. |
1037 | EVENT_TUNE_FAILURE | (XD1230 only) The autorun script has failed to tune to a specified channel on the RF tuner. |
1038 | EVENT_SCAN_START | (XD1230 only) The RF channel-scan process has begun. |
1039 | EVENT_CHANNEL_FOUND | (XD1230 only) An RF channel has been detected during the channel-scan process. |
1040 | EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE | (XD1230 only) The RF channel-scan process has completed. |
1041 | EVENT_SCRIPT_PLUGIN_FAILURE | A plugin script has failed. |
1042 | EVENT_DISK_ERROR | System software has reported an error with the storage device. |
1043 | EVENT_LIVE_MRSS_PLUGIN_FAILURE | An MRSS feed plugin script has failed. |
1044 | EVENT_EMPTY_MEDIA_PLAYLIST | The autorun script has skipped an Image List, Video List, or Audio List state because it is empty. |
1100 | EVENT_BLC400_STATUS | The status of a connected BLC400 device has changed. This event can include the following status messages: "over", "under", "missing", or "normal". |
1200 | EVENT_CONTINUE_LIVE_DATA_FEED_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD | The refresh timer for a live data feed has triggered while the autorun is downloading the feed. The autorun has continued downloading the feed because it has not changed. |
1201 | EVENT_RESTART_LIVE_DATA_FEED_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD | The refresh timer for a live data feed triggered while the autorun downloaded the feed. The autorun cancelled the current download and started a new one because the feed has changed. |
1202 | EVENT_START_LIVE_DATA_FEED_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD | The autorun has begun downloading a live data feed. |
1204 | EVENT_PLAYBACK_FAILURE | A media file has failed to play. |
1205 | EVENT_START_MRSS_FEED_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD | The autorun has begun downloading an MRSS (live media) feed. |
1206 | EVENT_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ASSET_POOL | The autorun has encountered a failure while attempting to create an asset pool. This event will return either "pool" or "feedpool", indicating whether failure occurred when creating a pool for a presentation or a pool for an RSS/MRSS feed. |
1207 | EVENT_DELETE_USER_VARIABLES_DB | The autorun has attempted to read from the user-variables database and has determined that it is corrupt. The autorun will then delete the user-variables database and repopulate it with default values. |
1208 | EVENT_SCREENSHOT_ERROR | The autorun has attempted and failed to take a screen shot. |
1209 | EVENT_SCREENSHOT_UPLOAD_ERROR | The autorun has attempted and failed to upload a Remote Snapshot image to BSN servers. |
1210 | EVENT_SCREENSHOT_UPLOADED_AND_QUEUED | The autorun has successfully uploaded a Remote Snapshot image, and the file is now in the queue process to be stored in the BSN database. |
1211 | EVENT_SCREENSHOT_QUEUE_ERROR | The BSN servers have indicated that the queue operation has failed. The autorun will attempt to upload the Remote Snapshot image to the BSN servers again. |
1212 | EVENT_SET_BSN_OVERRIDE | A BSN administrator has specified a Remote Snapshot configuration override for the player. |
1213 | EVENT_CANCEL_BSN_OVERRIDE | A BSN administrator has cancelled the Remote Snapshot configuration override for the player. |
1214 | EVENT_BSN_OVERRIDE_EXPIRED | The Remote Snapshot configuration override settings have reached their specified expiry date. |
1215 | EVENT_SET_SNAPSHOT_CONFIGURATION | The Remote Snapshot configuration has been set using the Application Web Server. |
1216 | EVENT_STREAM_END | An audio or video IP stream has generated an End of Stream event (see the roRtspStream entry for more details). |
1217 | EVENT_SET_VIDEO_MODE | The video output has been set to the reported video mode. If the "preferred video mode" feature is supported by the firmware, and if the Force Resolution box is unchecked in BrightAuthor, this event will also return the preferred video mode. |
1218 | EVENT_SNAPSHOT_PUT_TO_SERVER_ERROR | The autorun has encountered an error while uploading a screen shot. This event returns the failure reason as well. See the roUrlTransfer.ASyncPutFromFile() entry for more details. |
1219 | EVENT_CHECK_LIVE_TEXT_FEED_HEAD | The autorun has checked the contents of a feed to determine if there is new text/media to retrieve. |
1300 | EVENT_BEACON_START | A BLE beacon has begun transmitting. |
1301 | EVENT_BEACON_START_FAILED | A BLE beacon has failed to initialize. |
1302 | EVENT_BEACON_START_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | A BLE beacon did not responded to an initialization request within a certain timeframe. |