Device Location Entity (2017/01)

Device Location Entity (2017/01)

All device location entities are structured as follows:


PlaceId stringThe textual identifier of the device location

GPSLatitude Nullable<double>The latitude of the device location

GPSLongitude Nullable<double>The longitude of the device location

Country stringThe country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")

CountryLongName stringThe full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")

AdminAreaLevel1 stringThe largest subnational administrative unit of a country (for example, "state" in the USA and "prefecture" in Japan) in which the device is located

AdminAreaLevel1LongName stringThe full name of the largest subnational administrative unit of a country in which the device is located

AdminAreaLevel2 stringThe county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 

AdminAreaLevel2LongName stringThe full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.

Locality stringThe name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

LocalityLongName stringThe full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

Path stringThe path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of Country, AdminAreaLevel1, AdminAreaLevel2, and Locality.

PathLongName stringThe path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of CountryLongName, AdminAreaLevel1LongName, AdminAreaLevel2LongName, and LocalityLongName.