Device Location Entity (2017/01)

All device location entities are structured as follows:


PlaceId string: The textual identifier of the device location

GPSLatitude Nullable<double>: The latitude of the device location

GPSLongitude Nullable<double>: The longitude of the device location

Country string: The country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")

CountryLongName string: The full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")

AdminAreaLevel1 string: The largest subnational administrative unit of a country (for example, "state" in the USA and "prefecture" in Japan) in which the device is located

AdminAreaLevel1LongName string: The full name of the largest subnational administrative unit of a country in which the device is located

AdminAreaLevel2 string: The county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 

AdminAreaLevel2LongName string: The full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.

Locality string: The name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

LocalityLongName string: The full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

Path string: The path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of Country, AdminAreaLevel1, AdminAreaLevel2, and Locality.

PathLongName string: The path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of CountryLongName, AdminAreaLevel1LongName, AdminAreaLevel2LongName, and LocalityLongName.